
Single Responsibility Principle in Test Automation Link to heading

Skills: Java17, Selenium Webdriver, Design Patterns.

A project that demonstrates the motive behing single responsibility princinple and also, how it can be incorporated in test automation space.

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Selenium Framework with Disposable Selenium Grid using Docker Link to heading

Skills: Java 17, Selenium Webdriver, Selenium Grid, Docker, Jenkins, AWS.

A project that demonstrates how dockerised selenium grid can help fasten the testing process and avoid resource constraints. Continous Integration (CI) is implemented using Jenkins and AWS.

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API Testing Framework implemented using Python Link to heading

Skills: Python, Behave, Cucumber, BDD, Poetry.

A project that is implemented using Python to cater to API testing using a library called Behave. I have followed BDD approach in this project and have attempted to use Cucumber.

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IPL Match History Full Stack Application Link to heading

Skills: Java 17, Spring, React.

A full stack application that can show IPL match history in a user-intuitive manner using ReactJS library. It is ingesting the data from a CSV file using Spring Batch mechanism.

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Secure Voting Application in Ethereum and Smart Contracts Link to heading

Skills: NodeJS, ReactJS, Websockets, Solidity, Postgres.

This was my MSc thesis and final MSc project - A full stack decentralised application (dApp) that simulates voting process done without the compromise of user’s data. There are two services running namely - the admin service and the voting service. I am using Postgres to store user information in a hashed format. User is getting authenticated using JWT tokens.

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Full Stack Blog Application Link to heading

Skills: Python 3, Django, HTML5, CSS3.

A project made using Django that caters to writing some blogging content using a dedicated admin panel. Bit basic in nature, but most main features of Django are employed.

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Microservice Architecture using Spring Cloud Link to heading

Skills: Java 17, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud.

A project that demonstrates a basic architecture of microservices tied together using Spring Boot’s offering called as Spring Cloud. Also ensures - Service Discovery, Fault Tolerance, Load Balancing and Distributed Tracing.

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Book Review Website Link to heading

Skills: PHP, Laravel 10, MySQL, Docker.

A university coursework project that demonstrates learnings on laravel full stack web application. I attempted to submit this project as part of my final submission and got 90% marks. I learned the overall architecture of a full stack application (using Laravel in this case) and also learned how to effectively manage your code and your time using modern toolkits and software. A fun learning experience, I must say!.

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